First stop was Same day surgery to meet w/ the nurse and surgeon. We met Tate's surgeon who's name was Kouretas. (I'm so proud of myself to NOW a month later be able to pronounce his name... I never could pronounce it while we were there so when people would ask who the surgeon was I always had to say "I don't know.... but I can kinda sorta maybe spell it correctly..." Its pronounced like.... COR-ET-US.) So anyway, we only met w/ them for a short few minutes to get our information about what time the surgery was the next day and all that. We were hoping for a morning surgery, but we were scheduled for 1:30 in the afternoon. It ended up being fine and probably actually better that way, if you ask me.
Next stop was the lab for blood work and a urine sample. The blood work was quick (but I won't say painless).... then they put a bag on him to collect the urine and we waited... and waited.... and waited.... and waited.... I nursed him two or three times and still nothing. We put his feet in warm running water... and nothing. About this time we had a visitor. Sister Colton (from our parents' ward back in MD was in town) stopped by to give us a thoughtful gift. It was coloring books and crayons, etc. to help distract us during the waiting hours of surgery. So sweet.
Over the next week Tate grew to hate xrays more and more!! One morning in particular was especially difficult for him and me. (More details in later post).
After the xrays, we went back to the lab and tried his feet in the warm water again. It worked, he peed.... but only a tiny bit. I just wanted to show it to the lab people and have them say it wasn't enough so we'd keep waiting, but they said "you never know... it could be enough", so they pulled the bag off of him (side note: super painful!), it wasn't enough, I knew it wouldn't be... it wasn't even half of what they needed. So they bagged him again. And we decided to leave. None of us had eaten a single thing all day and by this time it was 4:30. We found a Chick-Fil-A and while we were eating I realized Tate had filled his "bag" and it was making him uncomfortable. After much talk of what we were going to do, we decided to head back to the hospital and give them the sample, let them take the bag off. (The other option was us taking it off ourselves and keeping the urine in a cup in the fridge.) After Tate finally got the urine sample thing done and over with we headed north to Bluffsdale where we were going to stay with our friends the Averys.
It was so nice to be at the Avery's. For one we hadn't seen them in a long time. For two it totally relaxed us and took our minds off of what was coming the next day. Shannon made us a nice dinner of lasanga and we sat around w/ her family and enjoyed a meal. It was fun to see how big all the kids had gotten and to watch their personalities. It reminded me a lot of my family when we were all their ages. So fun. We had a nice room to stay in and the boys got their good nights sleep, while I let my mind race a million miles a minute and didn't sleep one bit! Truly frustrating.
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