And So the "processing" begins...

Please excuse the "mess"... I'm starting to journalize all the events during Tate's OHS, so for awhile there will be a lot of "back tracking" and the dates will make it seem like there is new stuff, when really its just new "old" stuff.... Probably no one checks this blog anymore anyway.... but just a heads up. ;0)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Results In: Surgery Required

Tate's bringin' grateful back! Today we're grateful for lots of things.... here are a few of them.

-8:15am wake up calls from doctors w/ RESULTS (finally).
-Good doctors who are thorough in their testing.
-Advances in modern medicine that allow these sort of things to be repaired.
-Priesthood blessings.
-Good friends and family.
-Peace that comes through prayer.
-Comfort from a loving Heavenly Father.

If you can't tell already... the results are in. I received a "wake up call" (quite literally) this morning at 8:15am. It was Dr. Judd calling w/ the results. All three tests showed that Tate's heart is enlarged in an area. That coupled with his poor weight gain means open heart surgery for our little man Tate. Dr. Judd is putting in the order for it today and says the hospital will call us in a week to schedule the surgery. She recommends it be done within the month (or two at the latest). We're aiming for asap. Since he needs the surgery and his little heart and body is suffering from it, we're ready to have this fixed and have him on the mend.
Though the thought of our baby undergoing major surgery is scary and unwanted we are surprisingly calm. And even sure that this is what Tate needs right now. We know this is Heavenly Father's plan for Tate.
A few weeks ago Tate received a beautiful priesthood blessing, given by his dad and uncle Nick. He was promised that he would be healed, and that he would live a long and healthy life. I knew instantly that this was true, and I also knew... felt, that Heavenly Father's definition of "healed" was something different than what I was hoping and praying for. I felt that yes, Tate would be healed... but healed with medical/surgical intervention.
Oh how grateful we are that there is something that can be done to heal our son. We are grateful for a wonderful PA at our peditrician office who noticed the heart murmur and sent us for an echo. We're grateful for a good (though not so fast w/ test results) doctor who monitored Tate for the last 8 months and noticed when there was a problem and sent us for additional testing. We are grateful for the advances in medicine that have allowed these tests, and that will allow the repair of Tate's heart.
We are grateful that he will be healed. We are grateful to have the results. We are grateful for a new "course of action". We are grateful for many many other things that have made this hard time easier to bear. (For example- the fact that things happened to work out so that we didn't move in December, even though at the time it was what we really really wanted... that Ryan hasn't yet found a job in Maryalnd and so we are still in Rexburg... still w/ a good job, with good insurance... etc. etc. etc. This is the Lord's plan for us right now... I know it.)
So.... what's next? We wait. Again. (Anyone else think maybe we're suppose to learn patience through all this?) So we wait for the hospital to call to schedule the surgery. I will (of course) let you all know when we have a surgery date. Dr. Judd says he'll be in the hospital for about 7-10 days. My sweet mother is coming out to stay w/ the big kids while we're in Utah w/ Tate, so thats one less thing to worry about.
Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts over the past several weeks.


  1. You are so strong! I can't imagine what you must go through every time you look in his sweet eyes! Hang in there! The lord is with you and you will all make it through this! Our prayers are with you all!

  2. I don't know you that well (as your sister-in-law's old roommate), but I feel for you. I read this and it makes me so sad. I'm grateful for your faith in blessings and Heavenly Father's love and abilities. I need to read about other people's faith right now to boost my own, and I'm glad I came across this.
