The doctor said he's not a cardiologist so he couldn't really tell me much. He is faxing over the results to the cardiologist today to see if its something she wants to see him sooner than October 9th for or if we can wait. I of course had to google VSD as soon as I got off the phone with the doctor. Basically it could go either way, depending on the size of the "hole", it could just be watched and monitored and will close on its own over time. Or it could need surgery. Of course we're hoping and praying that its small enough to close on its own. Heart Surgery is not on the list of things I want for my children.
The dr. said that if Tate becomes breathless, or isn't eating or seems not like himself to take him to the emergency room.
Please keep our little Tate in your thoughts and prayers. We will keep you all updated whenever we know anything new.
If you want to know more about VSD, you can go here, or here, or here.... or you can always google it like I did!
The dr. said that if Tate becomes breathless, or isn't eating or seems not like himself to take him to the emergency room.
Please keep our little Tate in your thoughts and prayers. We will keep you all updated whenever we know anything new.
If you want to know more about VSD, you can go here, or here, or here.... or you can always google it like I did!
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